Exercise That Starts With A

Comprehensive List of Exercises That Starts With Each Letter of the Alphabet9 min read

Exercise That Starts With A

We have put together a long list of exercises that begin with each letter of the alphabet.

Table of Contents

Here are some exercises that begin with the letter “A”:

  1. Aerobics
  2. Arm circles
  3. Ab crunches
  4. Alternating lunges
  5. Abdominal twist
  6. Ankle rotations
  7. Air squats
  8. Army crawl
  9. Assault bike
  10. Ab roller
  11. Animal walk (e.g. bear crawl, crab walk)
  12. Atlas stone lift
  13. Active stretching
  14. Agility ladder drills
  15. Australian pull-up
  16. Arc trainer
  17. Adductor stretch
  18. Arch hold
  19. Assisted pull-up
  20. Army press.

Here are some exercises that start with the letter “B”:

  1. Burpees
  2. Bench press
  3. Bicep curls
  4. Bicycle crunches
  5. Box jumps
  6. Bulgarian split squats
  7. Bear crawl
  8. Back extensions
  9. Bent over row
  10. Bodyweight squats
  11. Bridge pose
  12. Butterfly stretch
  13. Ball slams
  14. Barbell squat
  15. Barbell deadlift
  16. Band pull-aparts
  17. Bosu ball squats
  18. Battle ropes
  19. Bird dog
  20. Bottoms up press.
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Here are some exercises that start with the letter “C”:

  1. Crunches
  2. Calf raises
  3. Chest press
  4. Clean and jerk
  5. Chin-ups
  6. Cable curls
  7. Crossfit
  8. Cycling
  9. Cross body mountain climbers
  10. Cossack squat
  11. Chest fly
  12. Crab walk
  13. Curl-ups
  14. Carioca
  15. Cartwheel
  16. Clapping push-ups
  17. Cobra stretch
  18. Captain’s chair leg raise
  19. Climbing stairs
  20. Cross trainer.

Here are some exercises that start with the letter “D”:

  1. Deadlifts
  2. Dumbbell curls
  3. Dips
  4. Donkey kicks
  5. Double unders (jump rope)
  6. Decline push-ups
  7. Diamond push-ups
  8. Dragon flags
  9. Dead bug
  10. Dead hang
  11. Doorway chest stretch
  12. Diagonal chop
  13. Deltoid raise
  14. Dynamic stretching
  15. Dolphin pose
  16. Downward facing dog
  17. Duck walk
  18. Double crunches
  19. Diamond sit-ups
  20. Duck unders.


Here are some exercises that start with the letter “E”:

  1. Elliptical machine
  2. Elevated push-ups
  3. Elevated plank
  4. External rotations
  5. Easy pose (yoga)
  6. Explosive push-ups
  7. Elbow plank
  8. Elbow to knee crunches
  9. Eight-count body builders
  10. Elbow circles
  11. Extended side angle pose
  12. Elbow strikes (in martial arts)
  13. Elephant walk
  14. Eccentric calf raises
  15. Elevated calf stretch
  16. Egyptian twist
  17. Elevated glute bridge
  18. Elevated split squat
  19. Exercise ball crunches
  20. Elevated leg press.

Here are some exercises that start with the letter “F”:

  1. Flutter kicks
  2. Front squats
  3. French press
  4. Farmer’s walk
  5. Frog jumps
  6. Forearm plank
  7. Full body stretch
  8. Fire hydrants
  9. Figure 8s (with kettlebells)
  10. Frog pose (yoga)
  11. Forearm stand (yoga)
  12. Face pull
  13. Fish pose (yoga)
  14. Flamingo squats
  15. Fast feet drill
  16. Front raises
  17. Forearm curls
  18. Flexibility exercises
  19. Front lever (calisthenics)
  20. Footwork drills (e.g. ladder drills).

Here are some exercises that start with the letter “G”:

  1. Glute bridges
  2. Good mornings
  3. Goblet squats
  4. Gymnastics
  5. GHD sit-ups
  6. Grappling
  7. Gator walks
  8. Grasshopper push-ups
  9. Glute kickbacks
  10. Groiners
  11. Groove shrugs
  12. Gorilla press
  13. Goblet lunges
  14. Glute-ham raise
  15. Greek lunges
  16. Grand plié (ballet)
  17. Goblet twists
  18. Gazelle (cardio machine)
  19. Glute stretch
  20. Grip exercises.

Here are some exercises that start with the letter “H”:

  1. High knees
  2. Hip thrusts
  3. Hammer curls
  4. Hiking
  5. Hanging leg raises
  6. Handstand push-ups
  7. Hindu push-ups
  8. Hollow hold
  9. Hurdle jumps
  10. Hip adduction
  11. Hip abduction
  12. Hip flexor stretch
  13. Half lotus pose (yoga)
  14. Half bridge pose
  15. Half pigeon pose
  16. Hack squat
  17. Heel raises
  18. Hip dips
  19. Horizontal rows
  20. Hula hoop.
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There are not many exercises that start with the letter “I”. Here are a few:

  1. Incline push-ups
  2. Inverted rows
  3. Isometric holds
  4. Inner thigh lifts
  5. Incline bench press
  6. Inverted shoulder press
  7. Inchworms
  8. Iron cross (gymnastics)
  9. Iron mikes
  10. Iliotibial (IT) band stretch

As you can see, there aren’t many exercises that start with the letter “I”. But there are plenty of other exercises you can do to stay active and healthy!


Here are some exercises that start with the letter “J”:
  1. Jumping jacks
  2. Jumping lunges
  3. Jump rope
  4. Jogging
  5. Judo
  6. Jump squats
  7. Jumping rope
  8. Janda sit-up
  9. Jiu-jitsu
  10. Jefferson squats
  11. Jackknife sit-ups
  12. Jumping pull-ups
  13. Javelin throw
  14. Japanese push-ups
  15. Jumping box step-ups
  16. Jockey jumps
  17. Jumping knee tucks
  18. Judo push-up
  19. Jumping oblique twists
  20. Jumping spider plank.

Here are some exercises that start with the letter “K”:
  1. Kettlebell swings
  2. Kipping pull-ups
  3. Kickboxing
  4. Knee tucks
  5. Kegels
  6. Knees-to-elbows
  7. Knee raises
  8. Karate
  9. Korean dips
  10. Kangaroo hops
  11. Kite stance (kung fu)
  12. Knee extension
  13. Kettlebell goblet squats
  14. Knee hugs
  15. Karaoke
  16. Karaoke squats
  17. Knee push-ups
  18. Kettlebell clean and press
  19. Knee circles
  20. Kettlebell halo.

Here are some exercises that start with the letter “L”:

  1. Lunges
  2. Lat pulldowns
  3. Leg curls
  4. Leg extensions
  5. L-sit
  6. Leg press
  7. Lateral raises
  8. Lizard pose (yoga)
  9. Leg adduction
  10. Leg abduction
  11. Lunge jumps
  12. Lateral hops
  13. Lunge twist
  14. Lat stretch
  15. Lateral lunges
  16. Lying leg curls
  17. Leg raises
  18. Lateral leg swings
  19. Lying leg press
  20. Leg scissors.


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Here are some exercises that start with the letter “M”:

  1. Mountain climbers
  2. Push-up to side plank (also called “military push-ups”)
  3. Muscle-ups
  4. Medicine ball slams
  5. Military press
  6. Jumping jacks with medicine ball
  7. Mermaid pose (yoga)
  8. Man-makers
  9. Monkey bars
  10. Muay Thai
  11. Machine fly
  12. Machine bicep curl
  13. Machine lateral raise
  14. Machine leg press
  15. Machine preacher curl
  16. Machine row
  17. Machine shoulder press
  18. Machine tricep extension
  19. Machine hamstring curl
  20. Machine leg extension.

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Here are some exercises that start with the letter “N”:

  1. Narrow push-ups
  2. Nordic hamstring curls
  3. Neck bridges
  4. Narrow squats
  5. Ninja jumps
  6. Nutcrackers
  7. Nose-to-wall handstand
  8. Nunchucks (martial arts)
  9. Nerve flossing
  10. Neutral grip pull-ups
  11. Narrow grip bench press
  12. Negative pull-ups
  13. Neck rotations
  14. Nordic walking
  15. No-hand cartwheels
  16. Narrow stance deadlift
  17. Neck stretch
  18. Narrow grip cable rows
  19. Neutral grip dumbbell press
  20. Nordic curls.

Here are some exercises that start with the letter “O”:

  1. Overhead press
  2. Oblique crunches
  3. One-arm push-ups
  4. One-legged deadlifts
  5. Overhead squats
  6. Overhead tricep extensions
  7. Oblique twists
  8. One-legged squats (also called “pistols”)
  9. Olympic lifts
  10. Outward leg circles
  11. Open leg rocker (Pilates)
  12. Overhand grip lat pulldowns
  13. One-armed kettlebell swings
  14. One-legged bridge
  15. Opposite arm and leg raise
  16. Overhead dumbbell lunges
  17. One-legged glute bridge
  18. Overhead tricep press
  19. Overhead tricep kickbacks
  20. Oblique side bends.

Here are some exercises that start with the letter “P”:

  1. Push-ups
  2. Plank
  3. Pull-ups
  4. Plié squats
  5. Pilates
  6. Plyometric lunges
  7. Pistol squats
  8. Pike push-ups
  9. Partner stretches
  10. Prone back extensions
  11. Pallof press
  12. Pendulum lunges
  13. Palms-to-elbows
  14. Power cleans
  15. Punches (boxing)
  16. Pelvic tilts
  17. Pull-downs
  18. Push press
  19. Pedaling (cycling)
  20. Parallel bar dips.

There are very few exercises that start with the letter “Q”.

One such exercise is:

  1. Quadruped hip extensions

This is an exercise that targets the glute muscles. Here’s how to perform it:

  1. Start on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Keeping your back flat and your abs engaged, lift one leg up and back behind you, keeping it straight.
  3. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement, then slowly lower your leg back down to the starting position.
  4. Repeat with the other leg.
  5. Continue alternating legs for the desired number of repetitions or time.


Here are some exercises that start with the letter “R”:

  1. Running
  2. Rowing
  3. Russian twists
  4. Reverse lunges
  5. Rope jumping
  6. Rear delt fly
  7. Romanian deadlifts
  8. Renegade rows
  9. Rock climbers
  10. Resistance band pull-aparts
  11. Russian kettlebell swings
  12. Reverse crunches
  13. Resistance band bicep curls
  14. Resistance band tricep extensions
  15. Resistance band lateral raises
  16. Resistance band leg press
  17. Rollouts
  18. Reverse grip lat pulldowns
  19. Resistance band deadlifts
  20. Resistance band chest press

Here are some exercises that start with the letter “S”:

  1. Squats
  2. Sit-ups
  3. Shoulder press
  4. Side plank
  5. Stair climbing
  6. Swimming
  7. Sprinting
  8. Sumo deadlifts
  9. Skull crushers
  10. Seated row
  11. Standing calf raises
  12. Scissor kicks
  13. Superman pose
  14. Single-leg deadlifts
  15. Swiss ball crunches
  16. Step-ups
  17. Spiderman crawl
  18. Split squats
  19. Straight leg raises
  20. Sled push.

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Here are some exercises that start with the letter “T”:

  1. Turkish get-up
  2. Tricep dips
  3. Toe touches
  4. Thrusters
  5. Tuck jumps
  6. Tricep kickbacks
  7. Toe raises
  8. Tabata
  9. Twist curls
  10. Tiger bend push-ups
  11. Twisting mountain climbers
  12. T-bar rows
  13. Thigh abductor machine
  14. Treadmill running
  15. Tricep pushdowns
  16. Twisting sit-ups
  17. Toe taps
  18. Triangle push-ups
  19. Trap bar deadlifts
  20. Torso twists.

There are not many exercises that start with the letter “U”. One exercise that comes to mind is:

  1. Upright row

The upright row is an exercise that primarily targets the muscles of the upper back and shoulders. Here’s how to perform it:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a barbell or dumbbells in front of your body with an overhand grip.
  2. Keeping your elbows close to your body, raise the weight up to shoulder height, leading with your elbows.
  3. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement.
  4. Lower the weight back down to the starting position, then repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  5. Be sure to keep your back straight and your abs engaged throughout the exercise.

One exercise that starts with the letter “V” is:

  1. V-ups

V-ups are a challenging core exercise that work the abs, obliques, and hip flexors. Here’s how to perform them:

  1. Lie on your back with your arms extended overhead and your legs straight out in front of you.
  2. Simultaneously lift your legs and upper body off the ground, keeping them as straight as possible.
  3. At the same time, bring your arms forward and touch your hands to your feet, forming a “V” shape with your body.
  4. Lower your upper body and legs back down to the starting position, then repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  5. For a more challenging variation, you can hold a weight in your hands or place a medicine ball between your feet.

Here is an exercise that starts with the letter “W”:

  1. Wall sits

Wall sits are a great lower body exercise that work the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Here’s how to perform them:

  1. Find a wall and stand with your back against it.
  2. Lower your body down until your thighs are parallel to the ground and your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.
  3. Hold this position for as long as you can, ideally 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  4. Push through your heels and engage your quads and glutes to maintain the position.
  5. When you’re ready to come out of the wall sit, slowly stand up and rest for a moment before repeating the exercise.

There are no commonly known exercises that start with the letter “X”. However, one exercise that is sometimes referred to as an “X” exercise is:

  1. X-body mountain climbers

X-body mountain climbers are a cardio exercise that work the abs, obliques, and hip flexors. Here’s how to perform them:

  1. Start in a plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your body in a straight line.
  2. Bring your right knee to your left elbow, crossing your body in a diagonal motion.
  3. Return your right leg to the starting position, then bring your left knee to your right elbow, again crossing your body in a diagonal motion.
  4. Alternate crossing your knees in this X pattern, moving quickly to create a cardio challenge.
  5. Do as many repetitions as you can for 30-60 seconds, or until you feel fatigued.

Here’s an exercise that starts with the letter “Y”:

  1. Yoga

Yoga is a popular form of exercise that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. It can be a great way to improve flexibility, strength, balance, and mental focus. There are many different styles of yoga to choose from, ranging from gentle and restorative to challenging and athletic. Some popular styles of yoga include:

  • Hatha yoga: A gentle form of yoga that focuses on basic postures and breathwork.
  • Vinyasa yoga: A more dynamic form of yoga that involves flowing movements and breath synchronisation.
  • Ashtanga yoga: A challenging, athletic form of yoga that involves a set sequence of postures.
  • Bikram yoga: A hot yoga practice that involves a specific sequence of 26 postures and two breathing exercises, performed in a room heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Yin yoga: A slower, more meditative form of yoga that focuses on deep stretching and relaxation.

No matter what style of yoga you choose, it can be a great way to improve your physical and mental health.

Here’s an exercise that starts with the letter “Z”:

  1. Zercher squat

The Zercher squat is a strength training exercise that works the legs, glutes, and core. Here’s how to perform it:

  1. Start by setting up a barbell at about waist height on a squat rack or lifting platform.
  2. Stand facing the bar and step forward, reaching down to grab the bar with an underhand grip.
  3. With your arms still under the bar, step back from the rack and lift the bar up to rest in the crook of your elbows.
  4. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed slightly outward.
  5. Slowly lower your body down into a squat, keeping your chest up and your core engaged.
  6. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground, then stand back up to the starting position.
  7. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  8. To release the barbell, carefully lower it back down to the ground in front of you.

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